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KayiScgs '07 UNSW foundation '08 24th December 1991 Links
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
sheesh i'm so bored. watched project runway yesterday.. i think i like kara. and i like the black model. her name's like martinique or something. she's so pretty! hahah. :Dand screw ding yishan! this is all his fault. i dont understand why niuniu and aixue keep blaming each other when its ALL YISHAN'S FAULT. ALL HIS STUPID ASS FAULT. SCREW HIM. hahhaha. i'm sort of on aixue's side too. haha. oh and i am considering piercing my ears.. haha. PEOPLE! TELL ME IF IT'S PAINFUL. lol. i think i'm gonna pierce when i come back from hk.. :) great. I'M GONNA SKIP MY DENTAL APPOINTMENT ON FRIDAY TOO. i already went in june hols, so.. whatever man. hahaha. and how come i am the only one who has to go back for dental??? stupid dentist. and i have started planning for next year's holidays! lmao. i am gonna get a job. hahaha. then i wont be bored anymore, and i can get $$$$$. see? killing two birds with a stone. hahah. i'm gonna become manager and earn 10 grand a month.. hahaha. Sunday, November 27, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
it's so early now. ): anyway. went to watch harry potter on tuesday with my cousins. haha they were late! they said meet at 1.30 and instead they just left their house at 1.30. yeah then i had to wait 30 minutes. henry's gonna be a really lousy date when he grows up. haha. then went to get tickets yeah.. we got the 5 o'clock show and we had to wait 3 hours. hahah then henry was like why not watch another movie at 3, then come out at 5 and watch harrypotter... hahah i think that was so damn funny. :Danyway. harry potter is so damn funny. i like ron! BLOODY HELL hahah. the snape part was funny too. i like snape now. hahahha. i'm evil. ((: i like cedric too. i cried when he died. hahah. and i tell you, cecilia was laughing when he died!!! HOW EVIL IS SHE!!! >:( hahaha okay, collected my uniform yesterday. (: then went tampines to shop again.. haha. oh and yesterday was the most boring episode of rainbow connection everrrr. i think yishan's the most effing asshole then followed by niuniu and then aixue. why didnt yoyo go fight with that niuniu huh.. i think they all deserve a slap. hahah. yeah then after that watched survivor. haha i think it's getting bitchy in survivor. judd seriously got no brains one okay. i doubt he even paid attention to the story. he burnt dunno how many sticks. but then he was quite smart when he said that the person you least expect to lie is the biggest liar of all. so true. (: i like rafe and cindy now. rafe is so damn pro lah, he got like so many immunities. and cindy's like a monkey! did you see how she climbed through the rope challenge. /: okay.. is there anything to watch today.. oh yeah i watched the sixth sense on wed and i dont think its that scary. haha but the ending was quite good i think. :) oh yeah. an advanced HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SINYEE!!! love you loads. haha. yayye. <3 Monday, November 21, 2005
rules of the game:1) post 5 weird or random facts about yourself. 2) at the end, write the 5 names of people you want to do this quiz, the tag in their blog to leave them a note to tell them to see your blog. hahaha. lame lah.. - i get blisters when i wear slippers! haha. blisters between the toes. - i don't like to throw away things - i take very long to blog - i don't like rap songs - i want earholes but don't dare to pierce((: 5 people - sinyee - devi - aileen - cecilia - michelle hahaha. today was great, when out to make my uniform with cecilia. haha it's so ex. i mean all you do is get some fabric then sew. /: and i think should have delivery, then can deliver to my house, and don't have to collect. hahaha. okay, anyway i'm collecting on friday. after that went tampines to eat lunch, then got presents for people. haha i'm broke. i'm going to watch harry potter tomorrow! [: okay. byee. Friday, November 18, 2005
went to watch just like heaven with sinyee yesterday haha it's really funny. i like the guy who works at the bookshop place. he's so funny. anyway we went long john for lunch. i think the fries are nice. haha. i got more fries than sinyee! :) i'm so damn likable that's why. lol:)i want to watch harrypotter! i'm going on monday, i think. :] and i don't have to pay for it cus i'm going with my cousin and his family! so cool aye. :D okay anyway, went sgh to get my grandfather too. saw zhangde pri today! actually only the premises since the school moved. they're gonna demolish it and build a 6-storey one i think.. anyway i really miss it. i had a really great 3 years there. all the people and teachers are really nice. haha and we used to believe that the toilets were haunted, thanks to what this person called melissa told us. and i remember this particular maths lesson, when the teacher was flashing some transparencies and then benjamin was telling me and ewen some stories. haha about the trouble, manners and who else. it was so damn funny.. then i kept asking benjamin to talk louder cus i couldnt hear. anyway. thisperson asked manners to wait outside the police station and he went in. and he said something and the policeman said did you leave your manners outside and he said yeha how did you know? then the policeman said are you looking for trouble? haha. i bet everyone knows the story. yeah then i remember this pe lesson when it was so funny me and ewen were laughing alot and i laughed till i wanted to pee. haha. and there was this maths lesson when jessica was doing dunno what with her stationary and she was creating this traffic thing and i was laughing. then the teacher was like asking me to shut up or she'll send me out of class.. hahaha. seriously funny. okay. rainbow connection's starting! ciao. [: Sunday, November 13, 2005
i'm alone at home now.. damn bored okayy.ohohoh i just went macs to get my lunch. anyway this guy stashed my fries upside down into the plastic bag haha. so then i waited for my burger w/o sauce, then this woman saw the upside down fries. you know the woman who takes our order in the queue. oh she's the one who devi hates. hahaha. yeah then she wanted to know who stashed them upside down and i was like nevermind. haha then she insisted on knowing okay.. so i just said the guy. haha and she knew which guy it was, so damn smart. okay. she made the guy pack the fries properly for me. haha. then the guy was like dao-ing me okay!!! when he gave me the fries and burger. it's not my fault lah. hahaha. i want to buy westlife's new album. there's this song inside that i like. haha it's called hit you with the real thing. Like what (take it till you're high and low) Like how (system overload) Like who (sure you wanna rock the boat) And hit you with the real thing What (rock you from the left to right) Like how (electro paradise) Like who (if you wanna up your line) And hit you with the real thing Saturday, November 12, 2005
lemme tell you about yesterday night okay. haha okay. i was sitting on the bed in my grandmother's room watching survivor when this big lizard entered the room. yeah then i didnt dare to get out of the room cus the lizard was like near the door. then. i was watching the voting part right. and that lizard suddenly like fell from the ceiling, and it nearly dropped on the bed okay! where i was sitting! but it fell to the floor instead. haha i think if it fell on the bed i would have fainted. haha so anyway i got so scared, i screamed and ran to the living room. hahaha. then i got my mum to help me search my room for lizards haha. and found a stupid baby lizard. anyway i wanted my mum to kill it but she didnt want to and she was like lizards are good guys they help us eat mosquitoes. haha but anyway. i slept in my mum's room cus lizards are lizards and what if they went onto the bed when i was sleeping and they crawled on my face? hahaha.lizards suck! boooo. Friday, November 11, 2005
okay went library today. and in the morning went to fetch my grandfather from sgh. haha and took taxi home. oh you know i sat in the front today! the seat beside the driver! eh my first time okay!! haha i know i'm so damn deprived. hahaha.yesterday went to watch oliver twist. i think thinking of it as olivia twist! haha. and just now i though of it as liver twist. hahaha. okay nvm. oliver twist sucks! it's so damn boring. actually we wanted to watch sky high, but bugis is so freaking lousy it didnt show sky high anymore. it just came out one week ago lah. now i hate shaw. and the cinema in bugis doesnt even have carpeted floors! and the chair creaks. hahah. and the chair in front of you is like higher than your eyes so you can't slouch. okay then the lido shaw one you have to look up at the screen okay. and the chair is like really uncomfortable. i hate shaw. i am never going shaw again. okay then. oh and on wednesday the dentist called me! so freaky okay, i picked up the phone and then the dentist was like hello i'm from scgs health clinic, then she wanted me to go for an appointment on the 2nd of dec. i dont want to go. i thought everyone was like going for a checkup, so i didnt ask her why i had to go. okay but turns out i think i'm the only one who needs to lah. i already went for the june one!!! damn unfair! i bet they made a mistake or something. i should have told them i was going on a holiday from now till school reopened. hahaha. oh and i'm allowed to go make my uniform! hahaha. good. i'm going with cecilia. and my daddy's returned to china. ): but didnt get to send him off cus needed to go sgh. argh okay. i'm eating the last coke strip now. hahaha. and and and! i've been watching rainbow connection! hahaha it's quite funny. i like jianyi okay!! he's cute. i told aileen this and she said yucks! hmmphh. i bet she likes jia yao ming!!! hahaha. and tonight got survivor! can't wait. [: i think judd's an ass. jamie too. the only ones i like are steph, and.. no one else! hahaha. okay bye now. [: Wednesday, November 09, 2005
hahaha yihui and i are having a convo now.. in the middle of the night. haha. i'm trying to talk to yvonne tan too but she won't say hi back. hahaha so i think she's like playing maple or something, or watching some dumb anime show. haha. oh i watched rainbow connection today. i dont like that jeanette aw's frizzy hair. and i watched abit of gotcha. haha i just realised that cheryl tay is that miss singapore.. okay i'm like really slow. hahaha. anyway. i think that gagster thing is funnier.okay. went to visit my grandfather in sgh in the afternoon. and wahlao, walk through sgh can die one. seriously okay!! my grandfather was in like block 5, and my daddy and i walked from outram park mrt station to it. okay its just next to sgh but there were quite alot of slopes and plus my daddy was walking like super damn fast and i felt like nearly dying. hahaha. i am getting really really really unfit, cus all i do everyday is to sit on my ass in front of the computer. or read storybooks. oh and i think the sisterhood of the travelling pants book is really nice. i read the third summer. its superb okay.. everyone must go read. okay its 12.31 now.. and i'm gonna sleep. hahaha night! <3 Friday, November 04, 2005
I AM REALLY REALLY BORED AT HOME. :( ohkayy, anyway today went library with sinyee and after that we went minitoons to buy gummiess. haha. i think the apple ring tastes weird.oh and i have to take some injection before i go hk nxt mth. eeee-er. munching's taking hers today. i think she's a crazy toot she thinks injections are really cool cus they're like magic when the needles disappear into your skin. haha she's nuts. (: howhowhow i'm so damn bored at home. /: i'm dying of boredom. >:( Tuesday, November 01, 2005
just watched miss usa and i like miss florida! haha. [:i'm being bored to death at home. :( ohkay at least my daddy's coming back tonight. :D oh-- happy belated halloween haha. [: |